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For other souls and traits, see Soul Traits.

Fear is a very powerful inverted trait that is far more powerful than the normal soul traits by nature, but victory isn't always guaranteed. It is impossible to naturally be born with a fear soul. Instead, someone can turn their soul into this by inverting their trait of Bravery, to Fear. They do this by having HATE enter their soul and change them from within. In fact, Fear's natural color is dark orange, but when the Bête Noire Spell used on the Fear trait, it is pink.[1]

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Hallucination Manipulation: Fear users can create and control hallucinations to deceive or scare people. A fear mages hallucinations induces a virtual form of hypnosis so the opponent is not aware it is an illusion making them trapped in their own mind. Enemy's under illusions will have their eyes glow dark orange. However, the fear user must make eye contact with the target in order to induce an illusion spell upon them.
  • Mind Reading: Fear users can visually view bad memoires of opponents and use it against them via illusions; like how Bête Noire did with a various of her opponents.
  • Weapon of Fear: Due to being an enhanced version of Bravery magic, a Fear user can use an enhanced version of the weapon they had before inverting their trait.
  • Enhanced Pyrokinesis: Due to being an inverted version of Bravery, Fear can use fire magic. This is how Bête Noire was able to redirect Asgore and Toriel's fire attack. However, it is much more powerful than a normal Bravery soul's fire magic.
    • Enhanced Fragokinesis: Due to being an inverted version of bravery, Fear users create explosive fiery orbs from their hands to throw at people. but enhanced. Such as Agate was able to blast an explosive fiery orb at a door and causing an explosion and some boards to fall, and Bête being shown various times using explosive-related attacks, via projectiles.
  • Statistics Amplification: Fear users can get stronger when fear is around, so they get more powerful on the fears of others and even their own to get stronger.
  • Physical Enhancements: A persons magic is enhanced by their physical strength so it's quite obvious a fear wizards physically stronger then before they inverted their trait.
  • Enhanced Aura: Fear mages are just enhanced versions of Bravery mages with extra abilities, so it's quite self-explanatory Fear mages have the same auras but enhanced.
  • Rhabdophobia: Users can generate a large negative dome of inverted magic, any magical construct caught in the dome will be put under the casters control. Its color changes to dark orange. Rhabdophobia uses the original casters supply of magic to keep the stolen magical construct maintained. However, Rhabdophobia requires a large amount of magic to cast and maintain, requiring an amount of magical energy enough to fill 26 souls worth, and it doesn't stop the opponent from replacing the weapons.

Notable Weapons[]


  • HATE is MUCH more powerful than Fear; However, Fear is a physical soul trait while HATE is an enhancer.
  • Fear is enough powerful to defeat any other soul trait, with the exception of Determination in some circumstances.
  • A negative trait like Fear will give a person more power at the cost of their sanity.[2]
  • Bravery and Determination aren't immune to Fear. (including the emotion)[3]
  • According to Gaster only one Fear soul can exist at one time, just like Determination, however, many of the facts in Gaster's history books are inaccurate so it's unclear if this true.[4]
    • It mostly likely isn't due to the way that a Fear soul is created.
  • Camila Cuevas said on her Tumblr page that the Bete's soul was pink because pink is a color that usually looks innocent and can also trick the characters and the viewers, also the Bête Noire spell turns one's soul pink.[5]
    • This only applies to the vessels of "The Bête Noire" spell, none of the inverted traits.
    • Camila stated in the comments of Glitchtale Origins: The Black Beast "Fear is just a darker version of orange. Using your soul for the Bête Noire spell makes it pink".
  • Fear is not a new soul trait. That's why a Fear user can use the Bravery's weapons, like spears.
  • Kumu and Betty are just a physical form of a Fear trait.[6]
  • Although the Fear trait is the opposite of the Bravery trait, a Bravery trait can't beat a Fear trait because negative traits are always stronger than positive traits.[7]
  • Agate is one of the humans we know of to possess a Fear soul trait.
    • She was not the first to do this, as the Bête Noire spell was forbidden, meaning someone had to invert their trait before Agate.[8]
  • Fear counters with Determination, but so does Determination with Fear.[9]
  • Fear can be beaten by strong magic, but can only be defeated with Determination.[10]
  • Fear can only come from Bravery.[11]


